Pages of this tutorial
I splitted the tutorial up in several pages.
- Introduction and row 0 and row 1: click here to go to that page
- Row 2: click here to go to that page
- Row 3: click here to go to that page
- Row 4: click here to go to that page
- Row 5: click here to go to that page
- Row 6 and 7: click here to go to that page
- Pattern description and pictures of the last rows: that’s this page
- Tips and tricks: click here to go to that page
- Joining the blocks: click here to go to that page
The last rows
After this you find the full description of the pattern and the pictures of the last couple of rows, so that you can check what you have done. The pattern description is in the shortened version, because you now know what to do.
The full pattern description
Abbreviations: b=back, f=front, c=corner, ch=chain, dc=double crochet
pattern description:
- Row 0: 8 ch
- Row 1: *(b 1x, c)* 4x, color 2 to back
- Row 2: color 1 to back, *(b 2x, c)* 4x
- Row 3: b 1x, f 1x, c, *(f 1x, b 1x, f 1x, c)* 3x, f 1x, color 2 to back
- Row 4: color 1 to front, b 2x, f 1x, c, *(f 1x, b 2x, f 1x, c)* 3x, f 1x
- Row 5: f 1x, b 1x, f 1x, c, **( *(f 1x, b 1x)* 2x, f 1x, c)** 3x, f 1x, b 1x, color 2 to back
- Row 6: color 1 to back, b 4x, c, *(b 6x, c)* 3x, b 2x
- Row 7: b 2x, f 1x, b 1x, c, *(b 1x, f 1x, b 3x, f 1x, b 1x, c)* 3x, b 1x, f 1x, b 1x, color 2 to front
- Row 8: color 1 to front, f 3x, b 1x, f 1x, c, **(f 1x, b 1x, f 4x, b 1x, f 1x, c) ** 3x, f 1x, b 1x, f 1x
- Row 9: f 1x, b 2x, f 2x, c, *(f 2x, b 2x, f 1x, b 2x, f 2x, c)* 3x, f 2x, b 2x, color 2 to back
- Row 10: color 1 to back, b 2x, f 3x, b 1x, c, *(b 1x, f 3x, b 2x, f 3x, b 1x, c)* 3x, b 1x, f 3x
- Row 11: *(b 1x, f 1x)* 3x, c, **( *(f 1x, b 1x)* 5x, f 1x, c) ** 3x, *(f 1x, b 1x)* 2x, f 1x, color 2 to front
- Row 12: color 1 to back, f 2x, *(b 1x, f 1x)* 2x, b 1x, c, **( *(b 1x, f 1x)* 3x, *(f 1x, b 1x)* 3x, c)** 3x, *(b 1x, f 1x)* 2x, b 1x
- Row 13: b 2x, *(f 1x, b 1x)* 2x, f 1x, c, **( *(f 1x, b 1x)* 3x, b 1x, *(b 1x, f 1x) 3x, c) ** 3x, *(f 1x, b 1x) 3x, color 2 to back
The pictures of the last rows
Click on the pictures to see it full size.
Attaching several blocks to each other
There is a nice way to attach several blocks to each other, using a so called ‘join as you go’-method. This means you attach the blocks while crocheting the last row. Of course you can always join blocks later if you don’t know yet hoe to place them. This can be because you used several colors, because you want to have them facing the back and front in a particular way, or for whatever other reason.
I have made a separate tutorial page for this: click here to go to there.
Blocks with several colors

This technique is excellent for using variegated yarns with a gradual color change that’s short enough to get visible within a block. You can achieve the same effect by using yarns with colors that gradually change. See here for more info.
Tips and tricks
There is another page with tips and tricks you can use: click here to go there.