Crafting tutorials and patterns
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There is much to be found about crocheting! Tutorials with pictures and text, but also with elaborate videos that show everything in detail.

Interwoven or interlocking crochet and overlay mosaic crochet
For interwoven crochet (also called interlocking, locking filet or intermeshing) you can find extensive tutorials for the basics, for the solid squares variation, making slanted lines, and for working squares in the round. You will also find tutorials how to crochet blocks together.
Also for mosaic crochet (the overlay method) you will find videos about the basics and for working in the round.
Next to this there are also some other crochet techniques and patterns.
Tip: use the practice pieces of the CALs to practice the techniques!
CALs (Crochet ALongs)
The Hooked and Locked CALs of 2018 until 2024. Look in the menu to get to all info of each CAL.

2024: Artdeco CAL
My most recent CAL that uses slanted lines in interlocking crochet. The CAL also has a mosaic version that is slightly different, because it doesn’t use slanted lines. See the CAL menu for more info.

2021: Log Cabin
With this CAL I introduced the Log Cabin technique. Special for this blanket is the method that I developed to separate the blocks in a way so that the colors of another adjacent block don’t show at all at the sides, which makes a very crisp look.

2023: Framed
My previous CAL with blocks from my e-books, worked in the round. This is the backside of the interwoven version. You can see the front on the info page of this CAL. Also available for mosaic crochet in the round.

HAL CAL 2020
This was my second CAL, which I made at the time I was moving to a new home, at the start of the Corona period. This blanket is available for ‘regular’ interwoven and mosaic crochet.

2022: Solid Squares
I applied the ‘solid squares’ technique to this CAL. This blanket is available for both interwoven as mosaic crochet.

HAL CAL 2018
With this CAL I introduced the interwoven crochet technique for the first time. For most of us this was the first time to do the interwoven crochet technique. Later I also created a mosaic version of it.
My e-books for creating interwoven crochet designs
I published 3 e-books to create your own designs, using building blocks! Each e-book contains a lot of patterns (53 patterns that are crocheted bottom to top and 40 patterns for square blocks that are worked from the center, per e-book!) and instructions how to incorporate them into your design and how to write the crochet instructions.
I’ve written an extensive blog about it, with the details about what every e-book contains, with some pictures of the examples. Click here to read all about it! My CAL of 2023, Framed, is an example of how you can create a super nice blanket with the square blocks.

Do you want to be updated about the release of my patterns and those of my daughter, The Craftskid? And would you like to receive discount codes? Then subscribe to our newsletter! We really hate spam, so we will only send you a newsletter when we really have something important to tell, so no worries we will fill up your mailbox.
NB! After registering, you will receive a welcome email about a minute later. If we have a promotion or a CAL, you will receive an additional email one minute later. Check your spam or junk folder if you cannot find the emails. If it doesn’t work, try a different email address or try again (to rule out typo errors).
I also created tutorials for knitting. You can find these in the menu under ‘Knitting’.
I’ve created a different method for mosaic knitting, ‘balanced mosaic knitting’, that makes that you will always get a beautiful result, even when you have large parts in 1 color in a row. I have a photo tutorial for this with accompanying videos. These videos are available in English.
Another very popular popular tutorial is the Fair Isle without loops method, which allows you also to knit at the backside of a Fair Isle project. So no loops and no cutting of yarn (so you can rip it out if necessary, which makes it a sustainable method!). The videos for this are are available in English.
For knitting newbies, but also for the more experienced knitters I have lots of videos on my Dutch YouTube channel! Yes, it’s spoken in Dutch, but they all have English subtitles. I show there the continental or German method (which was very new in the Netherlands when I created the videos) and the English method. You can see in the list which subjects are covered in these videos. Click here to go to my Dutch YouTube channel. I do have plans to one day film these in English as well, one day…….. 🙂

Subjects that are covered on my YouTube channels:
- Different ways of casting on (Dutch only)
- Basic stitches and ribbings (Dutch only)
- Different ways of casting off (Dutch only)
- Different ways of increasing and decreasing (Dutch only)
- Balanced mosaic knitting
- Fair Isle without loops

Also very fun to do: the technique that is used for making friendship bracelets! But what a lot of people don’t know, is that this is a technique that is not just for children, but that you can use this for so much more! For example to create bands for bags, or little purses or pouches!

Tutorials for making the basic knots

Patterns that are explained step by step

Ideas for more uses and designing yourself with the use of my design sheets
There is not a lot about weaving on the website yet, but I do have plans to do more, once :-).
I made some tutorials for a home made square weaving loom with nails and how to use that. Very fun to think of some creative uses for this!
For the weavers among us that work with regular weaving looms, and want to create there own weaving cloth designs with Fiberworks, I have extensive videos that can be found on my YouTube channel. See the menu for the links!

Weaving with a pin loom

Fiberworks tutorial
Soon: Tatting tutorials!!!
When you look at my videos, you will see I have a bumper part at the start with my logo, and the subjects that I cover as the Craftsteacher. And since the beginning it say that I also do tatting. Now I’ve been doing tatting for ‘just’ about 7 or 8 years or so (or maybe even a bit longer), but it have always been short periods that I did this. Knitting, crocheting, knotting and weaving took up most of my time!
I’m very busy with it again at the moment, and I have the good feeling now that I’m ready to teach you this old and a bit forgotten technique. I’m already busy preparing, so it will take some time before it is here, but it’son his way! So keep an eye out on my website, Facebook page and YouTube channel!
Where can I be found?
I have a public page: The Craftsteacher (click the link).
I also have to English Facebook groups.
- The first one is The official Hooked and Locked CAL group (English), that is particularly for my CALs and all other interwoven and mosaic crochet projects. My duaghter, The Craftskid, publishes her patterns there also.
- The second is The Craftsteacher Projectgroup, that is meant for all my crafting activities.
Request to be a member, so that you can show your works, can ask questions or to help others with their questions.
Dutch website
Dutch website
I’m also known as De Handwerkjuf for my Dutch audience. Everything I do on this website is also covered on my Dutch website. Here is the link:
My patterns and e-books are available on Ravelry. Click here to see my patterns.
All my videos are published on YouTube:
Want to see my Dutch videos? Then go to
I do have an account on Instagram, but I’m not active there (yet). I will probably will be more active there soon. You can click here to go to my insta account.
I also have an account here, but I have not been really actiev there. I will probably will be more active there soon.. You can click here to go to my Pinterest page.