3 Colors for casting on, how to do that? That’s what I was wondering about, after I learned how to do the versions with 2 colors. I started trying out things, and this is what I figured out. It is not that hard, but you really have to pay attention to the order of the colors that you fold over and keep in the middle. Remember to click on the pictures if you want to see them full size. Index I’ve spread the tutorials about casting on over several pages. Click on the links for each subject. The cast on basics: click here to goRead More →

Same technique, different effect At the previous page you saw how to do the cast on with 2 colors, where the sideways V-shapes where alternating with their colors. You could also do it a bit differently. The technique stays the same (so do that tutorial first if you haven’t done that yet), but starting off with the colors placed differently, gives different looks. In this tutorial I will show you the effect of 2 variations. The first variation is shown at the top of the page, the second one you can see below. Index I’ve spread the tutorials about casting on over several pages. ClickRead More →

Spring 2017, beautiful tree

Welcome to my new website! It’s exciting to start this new site. A journey that is starting, and I am full of expectation where it will lead me. Well, I’m not totally new ‘at the trade’, but this website is kind of a new start for me. I have an ‘about’ page where you can read a bit about me, but I also want to share a bit here. Okay, my intention is to share my knowledge and skills about the crafts I did in my life so far. And that’s a lot, ye be warned 🙂 . My husband once said that my greatestRead More →