Well, to be honest, I’m back home again. About 3 weeks ago I was on vacation at the south of France for 2 weeks at a beautiful resort: Chateau Cazalères at Daumazan sur Arize. So that’s why it has been a bit quiet here. And I don’t want to give it a loud shout out on the internet when leaving my home for some time, so I didn’t announce it beforehand. Hope you didn’t miss me too much 🙂 .
I took ‘some’ crafting stuff along with me as you can see. Well, you should have seen our car, totally filled up 🙂 🙂 🙂 . Because I love crafting so much, I also love to do it when I’m on vacation. My husband knows that, and he totally understands, so it’s okay if I take a huge bag along with me 🙂 . Take a look at the pictures, so you have a kind of idea. I love my guy!
I had planned to work on a tutorial on interwoven or locking crochet. Interwoven or locking crochet is working on 2 layers of filet crochet the same time, but kind of weaving it together while you work on them row by row, so it interlocks, and creating beautiful motifs with it. I already tried it out at home a couple of months ago, and I really loved it. The first thoughts of doing more with it started brewing in my head. That’s how it works with me. I put it away for a while, because I was busy with the surface crochet and designing for that, but I really wanted to pick it up again. So it seemed a good idea to take it with me on my vacation and do some designing and figuring out a couple of things. I like to take a technique, and first learn it to get all the ins and outs in my head and my fingers, and then look if I can improve things, how I would like to explain things to others my way, if I can give it a twist, just be a little bit different. And when the weather is fine, and you sit by the pool, well, isn’t that an excellent place to let your mind go and get inspired?

Okay, there is a downside when designing at the side of the pool and you’re bathing suit is wet, but, who cares 🙂 🙂 🙂 .
Future plans?
Well, the idea is to make some video’s. Of course! About some basics, improvements, but also: how you can design your own patterns! I don’t know for 100% certain yet if I will make it into a Crochet Along and make a blanket. I probably will first do some tutorials just to show you the technique, so you can first can get it kind of in your fingers, and then maybe later a bigger project in a CAL. Or first do a smaller project, so you won’t end up with just a bunch of small pieces. My mind is still brewing on it, so I have to wait for the right moment for the brewing process to finish 🙂 . And think and design and crochet of course!
I have some video’s ready that I will publish first, about making a vest with filet crochet with a large mesh and doing surface crochet on it. That’s part of the brewing process: cleaning up and finish first what is ready, before starting a new batch. Clearing the mind. So they will be here soon.
The vlog: teasing you
Well, want to see a bit more? I made a simple video with my phone, at the side of the swimming pool, so you can taste a bit of where I was, and what I’m preparing. Have fun!