During a vacation with lots of rainy days, when I was making friendship bracelets with my two daughters, I thought by myself that it would be nice if I could make some patterns myself. I learned the technique years before from a book that was given to me by a friend. With the patterns of that book we could make several bracelets and it was fun to play with all kinds of color-combinations, but the need of having more patterns started to grow. I started thinking that it shouldn’t be that hard to figure out a method myself. I searched on the internet then (we’reRead More →

This is a design for a little bag, to put pencils or make-up in, or for whatever you would like to use it for. It doesn’t have a zipper yet on this photo, but you can add that for a closure or make a closure with small buttons for example. I did some blogging on this website about the entire design process (see here for the start), and about the steps making this (see here for the start). I also have some video’s on my YouTube channel, in which I show you every step, from start to end, how to make this little bag.  HereRead More →

Hi everyone! As promised: the digital version of the pattern is made. It’s in the menu with my knotting patterns, together with a description which I already did for a big part in my previous blogs. Or click here to go to the pattern rigth away. The video’s are in progress being edited by the creative persons here in my home 🙂 Of course they had to have a nice tune, some pictures, the sound has to be excellent. All kinds of stuff I hardly have knowledge about how to do that the right way (okay, maybe a little), but I have my helpers hereRead More →

The lower border Almost finished! I want to share some last things with you. You can see in this picture that I ended at a certain length.  I had enough yarn left to continue for a couple of rows, but I thought it as ok actually. The bag had a nice depth for what I want to use it for, so time to end it. To get a straight lower border, you must first get all knots in a straight line.  With the colored block this is done by knotting half blocks. At the yellow parts you can see I did a row of 4Read More →

And this is the 4-colored variation. Used colors: Dark purple: 2327; Light purple: 2305; Dark pink: 2268; Light pink: 2260; for the sides a color of your own choice. You will see this color only in the braids. Usage: 4 Repeats of the pattern is about 8 cm (3.1 inch) long. For 4 repeats about 47 cm (18.5 inch) per thread is needed. Description: Always start at the left side by making 1 right/left knot and then 3 double right knots. After that make 1 left/right knot and 4 double left knots at the right side. Here you don’t have to take care with theRead More →

This variation on the stripes has 3 colors. Used colors: Yellow: 2043; Orange: 2064; Red: 2218: for the sides a color of your own choice. You will see this color only in the braids. Usage: 6 Repeats of the pattern is about 14 cm (5.5 inch) long. For 6 repeats about 66 cm (26 inch) per thread is needed. Description: Always start at the left side by making 1 left/right knot and then 3 double right knots. After that make 5 double left knots at the right side. Here you don’t have to take care with the combination knot in the middle like the variationRead More →

With this pattern we’re starting to make viariations with an increasing number of colors. We start with 2 colors. This bracelet is made with crochet cotton that’s thicker than embroidery floss. Used colors: Blue and yellow Usage: 9 Repeats of the pattern is about 14 cm (5.5 inch) long. For 9 repeats you need about 60 cm (23.6 inch) draad for the left blue and yellow threads , about 48 cm (18.9 inch) for the right blue and yellow threads. The difference in the needed length has to do with the fact that you make more knots with the left threads! Description: Always start withRead More →

In this pattern the zigzagging purple thread stands out.The first two rows are different from the repeating pattern between the dotted lines. Used colors: Blue: 2340; Pink: 2201; Purple:2327 (alternative: Gold: 2662; Yellow: 2651; Brown: 2675) Usage: 4 Repeats of the pattern is about 8 cm (3 inch) lang. For 4 repeats you need about 66 cm (26 inch) of purple thread (thread 3), about 54 cm (21.5 inch) of the blue thread that makes the most knots (thread 4), for the other blue thread (thread 1) about 27 cm (10.5 inch), for pink (thread 5) about 48 cm (20 inch), pink (thread 6) aboutRead More →

This is a simple pattern in which the yellow lower line in the diamant shape returns every time. In the examples afterwards variations with the side motifs are made. The variations are made in a way they all fit in one bracelet. Used colors: Blue: 2432; Red: 2214; Yellow: 2040; Green 2577 Usage: 16 Repeats of the pattern is about 18 cm (7 inch) long. For 2 repeats you need about 32 cm (12.5 inch) of red, about 23 cm (9 inch) of yellow, about 14 cm (5.5 inch) of green and about 13 cm (5 inch) of blue. These are the longest needed lengthsRead More →

In these variations on the previous patterns (see here and here) I have played with several colors on the left and right and with different widths. The fourth pattern makes clear you can use a thread of a totally different color at the sides when it doesn’t show up like a knot anywhere. Take notice also of the sides of the previous purple and yellow variety!   Variation 1 Variation 2 Variation 3 Variation 4 Do you see that the thread on the side isn’t becoming visible as a knot anywhere? This gives more possibilities.Read More →